Homesick for Miami • • • My ♥ is in New Orleans • • •
t i m e • t i m e • t i m e • t i m e • t i m e • t i m e •
t i m e • t i m e • t i m e • t i m e • t i m e • t i m e •
Sunday, January 26, 2014
New Videos
New Videos of Me Singing
1 - 6/10 - Rainy Days and Mondays
2 - 6/10 - Top of the World
3 - 1/10 - Let It Go - Disney's "Frozen"
4 - 6.5/10 - Angel of Musi
5 - 7/10 - Golden Afternoon
6 - 8.5/10 - Be Happy
1 - 6/10 - Rainy Days and Mondays
2 - 6/10 - Top of the World
3 - 1/10 - Let It Go - Disney's "Frozen"
4 - 6.5/10 - Angel of Musi
5 - 7/10 - Golden Afternoon
6 - 8.5/10 - Be Happy
Here's the story.
Well, I get judged for bad words coming to my head.. people are punishing me like how would you like that like those supposedly bad kids. I forget the rest. You did something so that I notice that stuff. I did hear people curse a lot in the New Orleans area. That's the only reason why. That's why I won't contend to any self-beating with that.
Well, Pleasing News to Hear!!
The Stewie Song by Tracy Carpenter!!! - YouTube
Jul 14, 2010 - Uploaded by Rob Melchiorre
Carpenters: Gold: Greatest Hits (Full Album + Bonus Track)by ... Little Altar Boy - Richard Carpenter and Mindi ...I know how to do this and of whom I am talking.
What if I am the best of who is not related to Richard Carpenter?
Already Questions
I guess they are wondering @ how good their dad is. They think Karen is better. They seem to have an easy life but have to learn how to be a person and think like everyone, maybe have it too easy. I sometimes don't want my dad to touch me I know, so he kinda doesn't, at all, now. We still interact a lot, but we have ***ual interests in others. I did say I was safe and asexual and poly***ual or polya***ual. It means I don't engage in ***.
Having a Best
Well, it depends. I'd say that a 15-year-old Olympic ice skater is #1 in 1 way. But she's not #1 in all ways.
Well, being gay seems to mean having parasexuality (from paraphilia http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/paraphilia?s=t.) There is nothing wrong with his family, but he seems to obsess over things in a different way considering all the Asians he's ever done for -and his love for children? He probably just pretends to have strange obsessions over what young people think. He seems perfectly normal to me and successful in his friendliness. You can tell I am just jealous of his kids, but I think that's what most people are. However, I never had strange obsessions as outlandish as wanting to marry Johnny Depp. Some people have families and maybe only certain kinds of people they can be close to. I feel in trouble for recently liking my female teacher and wanting to know her personally. It seems sometimes the attractive 1s are bad but not always.. I just wanna get it out there I care and hope to help teach people to be famous if they want and succeed in pleasing people with their singing, like so they can meet Richard Carpenter assuming he needs something to do. Myself I admit I do follow him online and would meet him had I a chance. I mean, with most famous people, their Twitters may be busy but sometimes you can be found out on Facebook, for example or whatever. If more people posted, maybe they'd go online more. Guess it'd have to show intelligent thought for some reason that seemed important. Not just 1 "Richard I <3 you." More like, I did such and such in music and feel such and such a way. I feel I will be doing such and such and such and such says or thinks such and such. You could even talk about music, or acting, itself!
Thank you so much for this post. I think that people like Johnny Depp, possibly even Tim Burton, or Richard Carpenter would say they are gay or try to get away from the world sexually, like Johnny Depp with Amber Heard. It wouldn't really help them because they could just say they were pretending because it would be weird to say. If he didn't have a family, I still doubt he'd be gay.. How can a person feel that they are better than everyone, thinking in general!, that they don't need to make exchanges and make friends as life goes on, being open to people? My only advice is that you should do things you like best as soon as possible or admit you want something more for yourself to "feel good." That's perfectly fine with me, but I wanna find out how people meet these people.
My sincere regards for your post and thank you so much for your posting and letting me comment.
Well, being gay seems to mean having parasexuality (from paraphilia http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/paraphilia?s=t.) There is nothing wrong with his family, but he seems to obsess over things in a different way considering all the Asians he's ever done for -and his love for children? He probably just pretends to have strange obsessions over what young people think. He seems perfectly normal to me and successful in his friendliness. You can tell I am just jealous of his kids, but I think that's what most people are. However, I never had strange obsessions as outlandish as wanting to marry Johnny Depp. Some people have families and maybe only certain kinds of people they can be close to. I feel in trouble for recently liking my female teacher and wanting to know her personally. It seems sometimes the attractive 1s are bad but not always.. I just wanna get it out there I care and hope to help teach people to be famous if they want and succeed in pleasing people with their singing, like so they can meet Richard Carpenter assuming he needs something to do. Myself I admit I do follow him online and would meet him had I a chance. I mean, with most famous people, their Twitters may be busy but sometimes you can be found out on Facebook, for example or whatever. If more people posted, maybe they'd go online more. Guess it'd have to show intelligent thought for some reason that seemed important. Not just 1 "Richard I <3 you." More like, I did such and such in music and feel such and such a way. I feel I will be doing such and such and such and such says or thinks such and such. You could even talk about music, or acting, itself!
Thank you so much for this post. I think that people like Johnny Depp, possibly even Tim Burton, or Richard Carpenter would say they are gay or try to get away from the world sexually, like Johnny Depp with Amber Heard. It wouldn't really help them because they could just say they were pretending because it would be weird to say. If he didn't have a family, I still doubt he'd be gay.. How can a person feel that they are better than everyone, thinking in general!, that they don't need to make exchanges and make friends as life goes on, being open to people? My only advice is that you should do things you like best as soon as possible or admit you want something more for yourself to "feel good." That's perfectly fine with me, but I wanna find out how people meet these people.
My sincere regards for your post and thank you so much for your posting and letting me comment.
Well, thank you so much for doing such an interesting post. I hope my comments find you pleased with them. Renee Fleming must have become very popular. I do follow her all the time, my dad introduced me to her. I assume you follow her, too. If I had to order the people on your list, I might say Ellen is the best, but if I had to list them in order of which I think they meet my own caliber, I'd say (1) Richard Carpenter (2) Renee Fleming (3) Ellen DeGeneres (4) Karen Carpenter (5) Johnny Depp (6) Mindi Carpenter.
Do any of you find Mindi to be clingy in that picture? and personality-wise with her prestigious family??
Midni's father seems saintly and martyrlike even like Karen. He should do more for himself and his family and friends..
Well, Johnny Depp was Sweeney Todd and everybody wants him. Sarah Brightman is pretty popular among nice people I found.
Ellen is there for the kids, I think, like high schoolers and before us. She has a good voice and probably believes she equates over other singers.
I don't know what Mindi does. She might have beginner's luck + hard work. I do not know if she sings the way she dreams, maybe does what her father talks to her about.
I just realized that Richard Carpenter is being attacked with people wanting to meet him and sing like Karen. He has so far let other races and his daughter sing the songs. Most famous people do not do this, so that is why. I am not sure why his daughter Mindi only did this and that his kids are not on Twitter, where famous people post. All I can say is if no other famous people neither do nothing nothing will happen. If you are a pianist, you'd do well doing that with other people. I imagine violin is also fun and you must be very good. I'm working on some things now. If you have any ideas and want to do something with me let me know, but I'm in Orlando. I'm only a keyboard instrumentalist and some sort of singer. I'm advanced musically and mature but was told to go on a sabbatical for a long long time. I could send you me playing after I learn something, and you could play along with me and post it online. I'd love to hear you sing. Right now, though, I'm learning the Frozen theme on the piano. I'm not sure if in a few weeks when I have more money will I attempt to play the Carpenters music. It would be fun to sing that with you. I can karaoke me singing and you can sing over it. These are just suggestions. I imagine it's a worthless idea and think it would be fun if the famous adult musicians would participate with younger prodigees. They act like we are so worthless or whatever.. I always wanted to be a singer, since I was like 5..and I wanted to be in a singing ensemble. I don't have any money and didn't make it on something like "The Voice." I wish we could just get together and record. I easily found the papers to get the permission to sell. I do wanna be a movie actress and if I were I'd have money to fly over to like where you live and meet up and play together. Normal people like us need help from agencies. I did find 1 before but was not ready and no didn't have any partners. I so want to sing with other people where we do like harmonies and solos for everyone. It would be easy to arrange music like this. I started piano at 9 so it's a bit hard for me. I can play chords easily, however. I see you are a young prodigy, though, so perhaps you could showcase your talents or maybe already do.
I hope my reply was interesting and that you liked it lengthwise. You have a nice post. I bet you are great at microbiology. I didn't study English in college so much, just write for fun like blogging and short cute stories sometimes, too.
What I was saying about getting together was an example of how to make something happen, but I know you'd prefer someone more famous or simply to be coordinated with an adult figure such as even Celine Dion or Richard Carpenter himself. I used to dream of meeting Celine Dion, since it's appropriate, but it was a big no, like no way to do it. I think things like this are a sin. Imagine the world today if famous people got together with new real talents. They certainly got a lot of support. I knew a lot about Celine Dion and being a piano prodigy. It's very exciting. There's no "way." Actually, with opera, I was inspired to keep it up because of Renee. I got interested in Karen cuz I liked her and then found her brother, who I also respect. Singing seems to be a big thing. It's something for people with a personality similar to like Ellen. You get together and do some singing, like favorite folk songs of sorts. You should become more well-known and get around. When I'm ready for something big, I'd like to sing at public events. Right now, I'm still resting, painting and setting up my room, the garage. Hopefully, I'll figure out more about my life as this comes along this next week or 2. I'm watching TV now, but there's something special about .. like how no one like Tim Burton though he knows his kids will know us. I wanna see something happen and want my turn someday. As for Richard Carpenter, I think he should have gotten together with other musicians and do not know why he does not. I already said I wanted to work with some other people. I probably will be in a big private school church choir this coming weekend. It is a small group, though, like 3 singers. I hate how they disclude some church musicians on a whim for no known reason when it technically counts. I know it helps with classical opera. It depends on your voice, too, like are you hoarse or especially sweet and touched? I think life is short and too many things don't matter. I don't know what else to say, think I've made a point almost, so. I'll just say I know you all think I'm actively upset with Richard. He seems to think it's a tacky fantasy our dreams of the obvious. I just am upset it seems he's gotten old and hasn't been able to get anyone together. I have no idea why he thinks there's a problem that the whole world wants to sing with him. I have not heard enough of him to believe that. I hope it's just that he can't find the right kind of people cuz I know I can't, but I found you all. I think we should keep tabs about Richard Carpenter because he is so cute like his sister and about the fact that he needs to socialize himself with other musicians. I do wanna be a sorta director|educator of music. Too old for college again maybe like that. I can learn on my own. I wish I could help him with that. I wanna send him a note on how to get to sing in those groups he gets together. He seems to want it random and not an American nor European. Maybe, someday, he will be more active. That's what concerns me.
So, I hope you liked my post, sorry it seems a bit disarranged and long. I only mean well. =]
Well, thank you so much for doing such an interesting post. I hope my comments find you pleased with them. Renee Fleming must have become very popular. I do follow her all the time, my dad introduced me to her. I assume you follow her, too. If I had to order the people on your list, I might say Ellen is the best, but if I had to list them in order of which I think they meet my own caliber, I'd say (1) Richard Carpenter (2) Renee Fleming (3) Ellen DeGeneres (4) Karen Carpenter (5) Johnny Depp (6) Mindi Carpenter.
Do any of you find Mindi to be clingy in that picture? and personality-wise with her prestigious family??
Midni's father seems saintly and martyrlike even like Karen. He should do more for himself and his family and friends..
Well, Johnny Depp was Sweeney Todd and everybody wants him. Sarah Brightman is pretty popular among nice people I found.
Ellen is there for the kids, I think, like high schoolers and before us. She has a good voice and probably believes she equates over other singers.
I don't know what Mindi does. She might have beginner's luck + hard work. I do not know if she sings the way she dreams, maybe does what her father talks to her about.
I just realized that Richard Carpenter is being attacked with people wanting to meet him and sing like Karen. He has so far let other races and his daughter sing the songs. Most famous people do not do this, so that is why. I am not sure why his daughter Mindi only did this and that his kids are not on Twitter, where famous people post. All I can say is if no other famous people neither do nothing nothing will happen. If you are a pianist, you'd do well doing that with other people. I imagine violin is also fun and you must be very good. I'm working on some things now. If you have any ideas and want to do something with me let me know, but I'm in Orlando. I'm only a keyboard instrumentalist and some sort of singer. I'm advanced musically and mature but was told to go on a sabbatical for a long long time. I could send you me playing after I learn something, and you could play along with me and post it online. I'd love to hear you sing. Right now, though, I'm learning the Frozen theme on the piano. I'm not sure if in a few weeks when I have more money will I attempt to play the Carpenters music. It would be fun to sing that with you. I can karaoke me singing and you can sing over it. These are just suggestions. I imagine it's a worthless idea and think it would be fun if the famous adult musicians would participate with younger prodigees. They act like we are so worthless or whatever.. I always wanted to be a singer, since I was like 5..and I wanted to be in a singing ensemble. I don't have any money and didn't make it on something like "The Voice." I wish we could just get together and record. I easily found the papers to get the permission to sell. I do wanna be a movie actress and if I were I'd have money to fly over to like where you live and meet up and play together. Normal people like us need help from agencies. I did find 1 before but was not ready and no didn't have any partners. I so want to sing with other people where we do like harmonies and solos for everyone. It would be easy to arrange music like this. I started piano at 9 so it's a bit hard for me. I can play chords easily, however. I see you are a young prodigy, though, so perhaps you could showcase your talents or maybe already do.
I hope my reply was interesting and that you liked it lengthwise. You have a nice post. I bet you are great at microbiology. I didn't study English in college so much, just write for fun like blogging and short cute stories sometimes, too.
What I was saying about getting together was an example of how to make something happen, but I know you'd prefer someone more famous or simply to be coordinated with an adult figure such as even Celine Dion or Richard Carpenter himself. I used to dream of meeting Celine Dion, since it's appropriate, but it was a big no, like no way to do it. I think things like this are a sin. Imagine the world today if famous people got together with new real talents. They certainly got a lot of support. I knew a lot about Celine Dion and being a piano prodigy. It's very exciting. There's no "way." Actually, with opera, I was inspired to keep it up because of Renee. I got interested in Karen cuz I liked her and then found her brother, who I also respect. Singing seems to be a big thing. It's something for people with a personality similar to like Ellen. You get together and do some singing, like favorite folk songs of sorts. You should become more well-known and get around. When I'm ready for something big, I'd like to sing at public events. Right now, I'm still resting, painting and setting up my room, the garage. Hopefully, I'll figure out more about my life as this comes along this next week or 2. I'm watching TV now, but there's something special about .. like how no one like Tim Burton though he knows his kids will know us. I wanna see something happen and want my turn someday. As for Richard Carpenter, I think he should have gotten together with other musicians and do not know why he does not. I already said I wanted to work with some other people. I probably will be in a big private school church choir this coming weekend. It is a small group, though, like 3 singers. I hate how they disclude some church musicians on a whim for no known reason when it technically counts. I know it helps with classical opera. It depends on your voice, too, like are you hoarse or especially sweet and touched? I think life is short and too many things don't matter. I don't know what else to say, think I've made a point almost, so. I'll just say I know you all think I'm actively upset with Richard. He seems to think it's a tacky fantasy our dreams of the obvious. I just am upset it seems he's gotten old and hasn't been able to get anyone together. I have no idea why he thinks there's a problem that the whole world wants to sing with him. I have not heard enough of him to believe that. I hope it's just that he can't find the right kind of people cuz I know I can't, but I found you all. I think we should keep tabs about Richard Carpenter because he is so cute like his sister and about the fact that he needs to socialize himself with other musicians. I do wanna be a sorta director|educator of music. Too old for college again maybe like that. I can learn on my own. I wish I could help him with that. I wanna send him a note on how to get to sing in those groups he gets together. He seems to want it random and not an American nor European. Maybe, someday, he will be more active. That's what concerns me.
So, I hope you liked my post, sorry it seems a bit disarranged and long. I only mean well. =]
Hey, you're looking up Richard, too? I see we both found the same blog post. =] I'm still waiting for your next reply you promised, but you don't have to really.
I think Ellen keeps at things whereas other people totally don't seem to do anything like it. I know Depp does, too, but lots of people are jealous of him.
LOL that's good and Johnny Depp, too.
Hey, you're looking up Richard, too? I see we both found the same blog post. =] I'm still waiting for your next reply you promised, but you don't have to really.
I think Ellen keeps at things whereas other people totally don't seem to do anything like it. I know Depp does, too, but lots of people are jealous of him.
LOL that's good and Johnny Depp, too.
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